March 3, 2008 – Resurrection revelation
Every week I take part in a small faith sharing group with a few other men. We usually take a look at and read the scheduled Scripture readings from the upcoming Sunday Mass. Peppered in between each reading, we discuss ideas and questions that we have about the readings. Sometimes this takes us off on a tangent in a particular direction and we end up on an altogether different biblical topic.
In early March of 2008, I discussed the Lenten activity God-incidence story in the previous blog entry with the group. After our second reading, our discussion led us down a few different paths and ultimately one fellow had a question about the creed; in particular about the phrase “we look for the resurrection of the dead.” (Unfortunately, I no longer recall the specific question he was asking at the time).
After some brief discussion, he decided to do a bit of research on his particular question. The very next reading from John’s gospel had direct application to his question. Read Jn 11:1-45.
(This was not the first time that a reading immediately followed a discussion and shed light on a specific question posed).
Praise God!