Monthly Archives: October 2008

March 3, 2008 – Resurrection revelation

Every week I take part in a small faith sharing group with a few other men. We usually take a look at and read the scheduled Scripture readings from the upcoming Sunday Mass. Peppered in between each reading, we discuss ideas and questions that we

Lent 2008 – Pink slip

Before getting into this entry, I need to make a few points. – My intention was to post all of my experiences that pre-dated this blog before moving on to new occurrences which occurred after I created the blog. I am still going to do

Summer of 2007 – High Five!

One evening in the summer of 2007, I went to the local supermarket to pick up a few things for dinner.  As I walked toward the front canopy, I made eye contact with an older ragged looking man who had just finished speaking to another

The story behind the Blog…

In 1998, I started a personal home page while I was an AOLer.  Over the next few years, I edited the pages to include new ideas and links while deleting some of the old ideas and broken links.  My site moved from AOL to a